Svårt att förstå om relät fungerar som det ska? Är det fel på styrspänningen till reläet eller är det fel på reläutgången?
Med Ditex RelaySim Pro gör det enkelt att förbikoppla samt strömmäta relä. Det möjliggör att ni kan testa lasten som fläktar, ställdon, pumpar, belysning mm som är anslutet till relät.
RelaySim Pro kommer med passande anslutningkablar som passar direkt i reläsockeln för de flesta fordonsreläer.
Passar både 12 och 24V system, 21A kontinuerlig last eller 27A momentant. Produkten påminner om AESWave UActivate men erbjuder dessutom ström och spänningsmätning direkt i verktyget, inget behov att ansluta multimeter korrekt för ström och spänningsmätning.
Ett mycket hjälpande verktyg vid felsökning av bilelektronik, rekommenderas!
What is the RelaySim Pro?
RelaySim Pro is a handy tool that allows easy access to test automotive
electrical circuit through a relay socket and fuse. Eliminates relay control
circuits and provides manual control of the relay circuit.
Why use the RelaySim Pro?
Most actuators on a car are controlled by computer and not directly. The
computer uses relays to do the "dirty" work. Relays are used where it is
necessary to control a circuit by a low-power signal (with complete electrical
isolation between the control and the controlled circuits), or where several
circuits must be controlled by one signal. So, if there is a problem with the
primary component (fuel pump, a/c compressor clutch, cooling fan, etc.), you
first have to figure out which of the two circuits has a problem: the one that
uses the relay as the switch (power circuit) or the one (control circuit) that
actually turns the relay ON or OFF.
What are the capabilities of the RelaySim Pro?
The RelaySim Pro is a device that can manually activate a circuit instead of
using a relay. The RelaySim Pro tester is put in the circuit being tested in place
of the relay and allows easy access to both sides (power side and control side)
of the circuit. Use the tool to measure voltages and current flow when an
automotive actuator is manually activated. It is compatible with standard 4
and 5 terminal relay circuits and can be used with most car makes and models.
The RelaySim Pro can energize any relay that powers DC electric motors,
headlights, and other car lighting applications or almost all electrical actuators,
such as electromagnetic, electromechanical, and electrohydraulic.
Additionally, it can be used in series (in place of a fuse) with most other circuits
rated for 25A or less. The device is suitable for both 12-volt and 24-volt
systems. The operating range for continuous usage is up to 21 amps with a
maximum surge of 27 amps, regardless of whether the voltage is 12V or 24V.